Ruimte voor Vertraging / 
Space for Slowing Down

Experimental Design Research
Art Education x Psychology x Spatial Design


#01  How Art can make us slow down
#02  Psychological flexibility
#03  Weaving as a metaphor
#04  Practicing the delay in action
#05  coming soon

Books We Read

*This project started in 2023 and is currently in development. Work in progress.


What lies between the act of slowing down and preventing high stress symptoms?

In this fast-changing society in which we live, lots of people are looking for ways to avoid the rapid ways these changes are happening.  Our modern society calls for an immediate, efficient and productive response which gradually infests our mental health and wellbeing.
The current crisis due to COVID 19 only made this even more clear. One way to move away from this rat race and come to terms with ourselves is ‘a new found’ phenomenon; walking and hiking. What does this tell us? Next to the importance of our physical health we are also looking for a healthy mental state. We are looking for ways to avoid stress and the feeling of haste that comes with it. 

RUIMTE VOOR VERTRAGING (Space for Slowing Down) is an interdisciplinary experimental research project by an art educator, psychologist and spatial designer. We collaborate using Research through Design (NL: ontwerpend onderzoek) method to generate knowledge and create prototypes, to test new programs and spatial interventions that stimulates the act of slowing down and the prevention of mental stress.

Within the framework of interdisciplinary research, we want to collaborate in order to understand to what extent the combination of  ‘Looking at Art’ and ‘Act Together’ can contribute to the slowing down and awareness of the participants with stress, and how we can apply this new method in a sensorial spatial context.

This project is currently in development and the process is shared through this website in the form of essays, drawings, photographs and conceptual models. 

This experimental research project is made possible with the kind support of Cultuurfonds's-Hertogenbosch.

Goedele Wellens, Antoon Wellens and Emi Tsutsushio are collaborating on this project. Goedele Wellens is a Dutch Art Educator and graduate of MA Education in Art at Fontys Hogeschool Tilburg(NL). Antoon Wellens is a professional psychologist and founder of ActTogether. He is interested in psychological flexibility and ways of creatinging a meaningful life. Emi Tsutsushio is a Japanese spatial researcher and designer, graduate of the MA Interior Architecture at HKU(NL).

Harry Koopman (Product Designer), Shigeru Yamada (Industrial Designer)

  • ©2023-2025 Space for Slowing Down Project