The goal of this experimental research is to understand how looking, talking, smelling, tasting and experiencing can influence our mental wellbeing. How social aspects, interactions between people and spatial conditions such as form and material can be designed in such a way that supports the wellbeing of people.
Through our experimental programs, we want to make the participants be aware of the moment they are in and purposefully make them slow down. We think that being aware of our different views on the world is the first small step which leads to a larger path in reducing stress.
The art educator will start the delay by looking at art and starting a dialogue. The spatial designer will observe and research the possibility of creating a sensorial space that gently reinforces the act of slowing down. In addition, the psychologist will also initiate a dialogue using food as the medium.
By sharing experiences through this unique program and spatial intervention, we want to examine the influences of togetherness that we create, and how we can draw a new type of scenario that will affect our experience of time.